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Die Kunst der Goldschmiede!
MIKIRYAN Goldschmiedemeister
Mikiryan Parnak
Öffnungszeiten: Mo 9.30-18.00
Di 9.30-18.00
Mi 9.30-18.00
Do 9.30-18.00
Fr 9.30-18.00
Sa 10.00-14.00
Kategorie / Angebot:
Juwelier - Schmuck
Uber Uns:
Goldsmith Parnak Mikiryan is your partner for jewellery and watches. This family-run business was established in the heart of Vienna in 1993. We offer a high-end and extensive variety of quality jewellery.
Mustergasse 1
1100 Wien
Tel: 01/000 00 00
Mail: ---
Web: ---
Öffnungszeiten: Mo 9.30-19.00
Di 9.30-19.00
Mi 9.30-19.00
Do 9.30-19.00
Fr 9.30-19.00
Sa 9.30-18.00
Kategorie / Angebot:
KFZ Reparatur
Uber Uns:
in Bearbeitung...
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